Newsletter Term 3 Week 10, 2024
Welcome to Country
In the Spirit of Reconciliation, the St. Pius X school community recognizes the ongoing role of the traditional custodians of this land, the Tubba-Gah peoples of the Wiradjuri nation. It is on their ancestral lands that we continue our learning journey together.
We extend that respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. Furthermore, all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our school community. Acknowledging their presence and spiritual connection to Country.
In the light of faith, we work towards a more accepting and humble school environment for all.
Principal's Address
As we head into the holidays, we wish you all a happy, safe, and restful time away. Take this
opportunity to relax and recharge, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed
and ready for next term!
Last day of Term 3 is Thursday 26th September
First day of Term 4 is Tuesday 15th October
Incidents at School
If your child comes home and tells you about an incident that happened at school (in the
classroom or Playground) and you are concerned about it. I strongly recommend you contact
the classroom teacher in a respectful manner and allow them to investigate. Please do not
contact the other child’s parents, even if you think they should know. Please allow the school to
investigate and handle the situation.
It is important to understand that a child usually only comprehends an incident from their
perspective. A child is not necessarily lying when their story conflicts with another or when the
teacher's perspective does not match what you have been told at home. Children see their
world through their own limited experiences, which colour their perceptions. Adult perceptions
are balanced with life experiences. Listen to your child as they tell you their "reality" but
remember that a different "reality" may possibly exist elsewhere. Open, honest discussion with
school staff is essential in these situations.
If you are still concerned about an incident or do not feel it has been resolved, please contact
the school and make an appointment with myself or Greg.
School Values
Our school values are KIND, CONNECT, RESPECT. The staff have chosen these values as
core values that underpin all elements of education and community in our school. We believe
that if every member of our school community embeds these values in their everyday lives, we
should have a community that will thrive.
Asking some key questions may help:
Who were you KIND to today?
How did you CONNECT with your friends?
Did you see other people showing signs of RESPECT?
You may want to share with your family how you enacted our values in your day. Remember
Parents are the first educators of their children and the ultimate role model.
Katrina Isbester - Principal
Assistant Principal's Address
McAuley’s Mufti Day
Congratulations to McAuley (red) who won this term’s house challenge. The members of McAuley are awarded with a mufti (casual clothes) day this Thursday 26th September. Please remember that this does not mean we have a fashion show and many of the classes will be doing physical activities, so please dress appropriately (no thongs).
Greg Cant - Assistant Principal
RE News

Parish Picnic and Meet 4 Mass
It was wonderful to see so many families join us for Meet 4 Mass and the Parish Picnic. The children loved all the activities! What a fun day!

Stage One Charity - Cake Stall
Our Stage One children held a Cake Stall today to raise money to support our St Brigid’s Presbytery. The Presbytery keeps an open pantry for anyone who knocks on the door needing a meal and they provide a shower for homeless members of our community if needed. The money the children raise will go towards restocking the pantry and purchasing toiletries. The children did an amazing job looking after all their customers. Thank you to our wonderful parents for all the donations. The whole school certainly enjoyed our Cake Stall!
Term 4 Dates to Remember
1st November | All Saints Day Mass 1pm St Brigids |
11th November | Remembrance Day Liturgy 10:30am at school |
To be confirmed | End of Year Concert |
12th December | End of Year Graduation Mass |
To be confirmed | Meet 4 Mass |
Jo Taylor Religious Education Coordinator St Pius X
Library News
Last week, I sent out some reminder notices for overdue library books. Please check your
homes for these and send in before the end of the term if possible.
Recently I chose to remove 61 books from our library system that had not been returned
from last year. At a conservative price of $15 each, that adds up to a loss of $915.
Currently, for this year, there are 52 books more than 2 months overdue. This is
disappointing, especially when some of those books are recent purchases. If we don’t see an
improvement, I think we will have to re-introduce the $10 fee for missing books.
Student Wellbeing
Thank you for the positive feedback I have received from families about our Spring Butterfly
Tree. It really does brighten our playground, and as a bonus, it lists a huge amount of talents
and skills our students are proud of.
‘Rocko the Rock Snake’ is starting to look great! We actually sold out of river rocks but now
have some new ones available . Please feel welcome to purchase one ($5) and decorate at home. Rocko will probably go into hibernation over the next holiday period and then come back out in Term 4.
Mr Schwager-Classroom Teacher-Librarian
Merit Awards
Kindergarten - Reuben, Nova, Emerson, Ziggy and Jack
Year 1 - Ollie S, Jesse, Ollie K, Lilly and Harrison
Year 2 - Kailey, Maddison, Rori, Milly R, Arthur and Eve H
Year 3 - Travis, Matilda S, Barli, Aurora and Spencer
Year 4 - Liam, Maddi, Kingsley, Drishya, Hayden, Addison, Aliza and Jet
Year 5 - Lace, Elizabeth, Kimberly, Camden and Harlow
Year 6 - Atticus, Matisse, Ryder, Digby E, Olivia and Violet
Happy Birthday !

Venus - Kinder Ella - Yr 4
Hazel - Yr 2 Jet - Yr 4
Zara - Kinder Matilda - Yr 2
Barli - Yr 3 Harry - Yr 5
Eleanor - Yr 6 Freya - Kinder
Community Notices