Newsletter Term 1 Week 1, 2025
Acknowledgement of Country
In the Spirit of Reconciliation, the St. Pius X school community recognizes the ongoing role of the traditional custodians of this land, the Tubba-Gah peoples of the Wiradjuri nation. It is on their ancestral lands that we continue our learning journey together.
We extend that respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. Furthermore, all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our school community. Acknowledging their presence and spiritual connection to Country.
In the light of faith, we work towards a more accepting and humble school environment for all.
Principal's Address
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Pius X,
Welcome back to 2025, we are really looking forward to a fantastic year of learning and connecting with our community. It will be lovely to meet all our new families this week and reconnect with returning families. Starting school can be an exciting time and it can also bring some nervousness and anxiety. We are all here to support your child so if you have any concerns, please see your child’s classroom teacher.
Welcome new staff
We welcome the following new staff to our education team this year.
Kristy Isbester moves into the Religion Coordinator role as well as teaching Year Six.
Hannah Wilesmith will be joining Kindergarten as an extra support Aide.
Jo Taylor moves into her new role as Assistant Principal.
First Day Back
Year One to Six will be starting tomorrow; wearing their full sports uniform and Kindergarten will be joining up on Thursday with their normal school uniform.
New Entrance
The school’s new entrance has been completed over the holiday break. At the start and end of the school day the double gates will still be utilised. Anyone wishing to enter the school between 9.00am and 3.00pm will need to use the new entrance and sign in (please don’t forget to sign out).
School Calendar
Apart from the upcoming dates and happenings in this newsletter remember we have our school google calendar which gives all the current important dates for 2025. This of course is a flexible calendar and we ask that you check this often.
Mobile Phones
A reminder that we do not encourage students to bring phones to school, but on the occasion that this is needed phones must be handed into the office on arrival to school.
Pick up / Drop off Reminders
A few reminders that will assist us operationally and also help to keep our students safe:
- Please be patient with pick up and drop off.
- North Street; staff will only be letting children go to the first three cars. Please wait until all children are safely in the cars before moving off and stay in the same order when departing (no overtaking stationary cars). Do not stop in the bus zone, police will be enforcing road rules (especially at the start of the year).
- Young Street; parents will have to pick up students from the gate.
It is our priority to keep everyone as safe as we possibly can.
- No children will ever be sent to cross a road to a parent / carer.
- Students are not permitted to leave the school gates in the afternoon unaccompanied, unless parents have provided written permission for them to do so.
- Please let classroom teachers know if there are any changes to how your children will be going home.
- Please do not allow your children to play on the equipment after school.
- Please inform your child/ren how they are getting home, we continually have students having to make phone calls at the end of the day.
We thank you for your continued support in relation to pick up and drop off.
SPX NRL Tipping Competition
Special thanks to our Parents and Friends that do a fantastic job hosting events for our school community. They also run the annual Footy Tipping Competition and this year are getting in early so there are no excuses not to join. Attached to this newsletter is the flyer that gives you all the details for joining. All classes also compete, with the winning class receiving a special lunch at the end of season.
I would like to share the following item with you which I think portrays our caring community.
“ A community is more than a building it inhabits, communication with each other builds a solid foundation. As we begin new adventures and transitions this year we remember all that we are and all that we bring to each other. We ask God to bless our work each and every day and we ask that we strive to be loving, caring and kind to ourselves and each other”. Unknown.
Greg Cant
Assistant Principal's Address
Welcome to 2025! We are looking forward to the return of our students and welcoming many new faces.
A few reminders below to help us start 2025 in a positive and productive way… School attendance is not only compulsory but research shows that positive school attendance benefits students academic achievement, engagement and wellbeing. Students who attend school regularly are also more likely to experience positive health, social and economic outcomes after leaving school.
Every day counts….Every minute counts!

Classroom Supplies
At St Pius X, most of the equipment your children need for the classroom will be supplied. The main things each student needs are: paint shirt, Library bag and headphones (ear muff with plug in cord). Each classroom teacher will be in touch with book covering advice.
A reminder that wearing the correct school uniform is part of our school policy. There will be uniform checks carried out through the year. We have a clothing pool at school, you are more than welcome to check for clothing items. Please see the office staff if you would like to access the clothing pool. Please label all school uniform items clearly to ensure they are returned to the owner quickly. The school uniform is not just a dress code; it is a vital part of our educational environment. It promotes discipline, equality, community, and pride.
For your child to access technology at school, you are required to complete the permission form by electronically acknowledging receipt via the Compass notification. Please do this promptly so your child does not miss out.

Ice Blocks
Starting this Friday we will be selling ice-blocks for $1.00 during the Second Break
throughout Term 1. It is very helpful to send in the correct money. The selling of ice-blocks is organised and run by our Year 6 & SRC students. Any money raised will support a local charity. A reminder that children are not allowed to ‘shout’ their friends an ice-block. The children will be reminded about not sharing money with their friends.
Extension and Enrichment at St Pius X
As educators, we are committed to addressing the unique needs of every child. We recognise that each student is different and progresses at their own pace. At St. Pius X, we incorporate differentiation within the classroom; however, there are instances when a student requires additional support. If your child is selected for an enrichment program, you will be notified with details about the program they will be participating in.
Jo Taylor
Assistant Principal
RE News
Welcome Back!
I would like to welcome everyone back to the 2025 school year. I hope the recent holidays have given your family the opportunity to spend some quality time with each other, as well as provide some rest from the business that a school year gives us.
I would like to introduce myself, I am Miss Kristy Isbester and I will be Religious Education Coordinator (Acting) for 2025. My role in the school is to support the Faith Formation of our staff, students and their families. I am looking forward to being a part of the St Pius X Community this year.

Opening School Mass
Our Opening School Mass is on Thursday 13th February, 10am at St Brigid’s Church. We welcome all family and special visitors to celebrate the start of our school year.
This year our theme is ‘People of Hope’. 2025 is a Jubilee Year of Hope. A Jubilee is a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, held every 25 years, or during other years as called for by the Pope.
Through a series of concrete rituals, acts and commitments, the goal of a Jubilee year is to inspire and encourage holiness of life among the faithful and therefore to strengthen the Church’s witness to God’s mercy in and for the world.
Scramental Infromation Sessions
There will be information sessions for all parents of children who will be making a sacrament this year. The dates of the sessions are:
- Sunday 23rd February 10am, St Brigid’s
- Tuesday 25th February 6:30pm, St Brigid’s
- Sunday 2nd March 10am, St Brigid's
You only need to attend one of these sessions.

Term 1 Dates to Remeber
- Opening School Mass - 13th Feb
- Sacramental Parent Meeting - 23rd Feb or 25th Feb or 2nd Mar
- Ash Wednesday Mass - 5th March
Kristy Isbester
Acting Religious Education Coordinator St Pius X
Library News
Welcome back to another enjoyable year of developing an appreciation and love for books in our St Pius X School Library!
A few notes and reminders to start us off well:
Library Lesson Timetable
Wednesdays: Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 5
Thursdays: Year 3 and Year 6
Lunchtime Library Days
The Library is also open 2 lunchtimes a week. This is for browsing, reading or quiet play activities, and a terrific option on a hot day!
Wednesdays: For Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5.
Thursdays: For Kindergarten, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6.
Library Bags and Borrowing
Students are allowed, and encouraged, to borrow 2 books each week. There are thousands of great Picture, Fiction and Non-Fiction titles to choose from. Books may be kept for a week or fortnight (and for students enjoying longer novels for several weeks). All Infant students must have a labelled Library Bag to borrow-to keep books clean and undamaged. While it is preferable for Primary students to also have a Library Bag, as long as they look after their books they can still borrow.
Library Monitors
Primary Students who have a love of reading and books are encouraged to nominate to be a Library Monitor whereby students help with jobs in the library that keep it running smoothly.
Ashton-Scholastic Book Club
Book club Magazines are sent home 6 times a year. Orders can be completed easily online or orders can be sent in to school with correct money in a clearly marked envelope. Supporting the Book Club allows me to buy lots of new titles for our Library as we receive a percentage of total sales to purchase books.
- Term One Focus: Library Programs for all classes in Term One will focus on Internet Safety.
Cheers for a great year ahead, Mr Schwager
School Librarian
Student Wellbeing
Each school in the Diocese of Bathurst has again been allocated a Student Wellbeing Officer for the year, with the goal being that the Officer will help to initiate and organise activities and initiatives that will help promote and improve positive wellbeing for the entire student population. At St Pius, our allocation is one day a fortnight.
Throughout the year, in consultation with our principal and staff, I hope to work with the students to improve confidence, resilience, connectedness and an overall sense of positive wellbeing.
Last year, we participated in many successful activities and programs; some in small groups, others as a whole school. Some of these activities we will be doing again this year such as Construction Club, Drumming Workshops, Resonator Bells and Collector Clubs, others will be new initiatives.
Minecraft Cubeez: Any families not collecting the Woollies Cubeez at the moment, I am happy to take them to give out to our students for our first Collector Club this term please.
David Schwager
Student Wellbeing Officer
P&F News
2025 St Pius P&F NRL Tipping Competition

Competition Infromation
The tipping competition is being run through the website
Registration forms to be completed and returned to the school office or emailed to
Payment of $10 per tipper can be made in cash on return of the registration form to the office, or direct deposit to St Pius X P&F BSB 066-781 Account number 100013706. Please use your tipping name as reference.
Once payment and registration form is received, you will be issued the competition code and password.
Your tipping name can be anything you like, as long as it is not offensive. Illegitimate accounts will be disqualified.
The email address and account name must be the same as what is on the registration form. This is so the winners can be correctly identified.
Competition Rules
1 point for each correct tip.
Perfect round will receive a bonus 2 points (exc split rounds)
Tips must be entered 5 minutes before the start of each game
State of Origin will be included in tipping.
Finals will be included in tipping
Non submission of tips/late joiners will be allocated away games.
Each class can enter the competition and the winning class receives a pizza party at the end of the competition.
St Pius X Dubbo P&F NRL Footy Tipping Registration Form Full Name: ………………………………………………………
Tipping Name: ………………………………………………………
Email: ………………………………………………………
Phone number: ………………………………………………………
Payment Type: CASH / DIRECT DEPOSIT BSB 066-781 ACC 100013706
Kind Regards,
St Pius P&F
Community Announcements

Where: St Brigid’s Car Park
When: Saturday Morning
Date: To be Set
People are to bring their own table, chairs and take unsold items with the
Cost per site: $30
All funds raised will go to the Vietnamese Disabled Children’s Orphanages
Contact Fran 0417 452 678
Happy Birthday !

Zackary 2nd Addison 11th Abigail 29th
Nate 2nd Isabella 12th Elizabeth 30th
Jesse 2nd Kailey 15th Hunter 1st
Hope 4th Kai 25th Riley 2nd
Charlotte 10th Mia 28th