Newsletter Term 1 Week 5, 2025
Acknowledgement of Country
In the Spirit of Reconciliation, the St. Pius X school community recognizes the ongoing role of the traditional custodians of this land, the Tubba-Gah peoples of the Wiradjuri nation. It is on their ancestral lands that we continue our learning journey together.
We extend that respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. Furthermore, all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within our school community. Acknowledging their presence and spiritual connection to Country.
In the light of faith, we work towards a more accepting and humble school environment for all.
Principal's Address
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Parent / Teacher interviews are set down for 17th to 19th March. Please go to Compass - Conferences to book your interview time.
Parents and Friends Meeting
The March P and F meeting takes place this Tuesday 6.00pm at Club Dubbo. As always, you are all welcome to attend.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is a very important date on our Catholic and School calendar and takes place this Wednesday. Please refer to Miss Isbester’s RE news for details. We would love to have as many parents there as possible. One of the traditions of the day is to not eat meat, as we are a Catholic school, we would very much encourage this.
St Johns College Visit
This Thursday we will have Mr Justin McCarney, the Year Seven Coordinator and students from St Johns College spending time with our Year Six students. They will be discussing the transition to high school. We thank them in advance for their time.
School Photos
School Photos are schduled for the 2nd of April. If you wish to order sibling photos, order envolopes are available at the office. Please ensure you have placed your order by the 26th of March.

Have a fantastic week.
Greg Cant
School Principal
Assistant Principal's Address

Compass and Attendance
If your child is away from school for any reason, it is a legal requirement to notify school in writing. The preferred way for you to do this is through the Compass portal. Roles are marked as soon as the children enter the classroom, so please lodge your child’s absence early.
For more information on school attendance rules, please follow the link below…
School Attendance - NSW Department of Education
If your child would like to practice NAPLAN assessments at home, they are available at:
Year 3 & 5 test dates…
Assessments | Year Three and Five |
Writing | 12th March |
Reading | 13th March |
Language Conventions | 14th March |
Numeracy | 17th March |

Ned’s Resiliency Ride
On Wednesday, March 19th, NED's Resiliency Ride is coming to our school for a live performance. NED's Resiliency Ride, is a character education program that centres around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best. During the show, students will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor and yo-yo tricks to reinforce these important messages.
Yo-Yos will then be for sale through the front office for a week after the show. Please follow the link for prices of Yo-Yos Ned’s Yo-Yos.
Jo Taylor
Assistant Principal
RE News

Sacramental Program 2025 - St Brigid's Parish
If you wish for your child to receive a sacrament this year but didn’t attend the Parent Information Session over the past week, please contact the Presbytery on 6882 4233 or email Rosalie at

What is Ash Wednesday?
As the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday awakens us to Jesus' entry into the desert preceding his death. Before Easter, however, we must prepare our hearts for his Resurrection. We begin our season of preparing our hearts for Easter by recognising our brokenness and need for conversion, a turning of our hearts to God.
As part of the Ash Wednesday celebration, we receive the symbol of the ashes on our foreheads. We are invited to accept the ashes as a visible symbol of penance. The ashes are made from blessed palm branches, taken from the previous year's Palm Sunday Mass.

Ash Wednesday Mass
We will be joining St John’s Primary at St Brigid’s Church, 10am Wednesday 5th March to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass. Parents and friends are invited to join us for this very special celebration.

What is Lent?
Lent is a period of 40 days during which many Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ, whose life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption.

Project Compassion - Lenten Season
Lent is a time for reflection and thinking of those less fortunate than us. It’s a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord’s resurrection at Easter. One way that we can help others is through Project Compassion. Each child will bring home a Project Compassion money box. The children are encouraged to do small jobs to earn some money to help someone in need throughout Lent. For more details follow the link…Project Compassion

Meet 4 Mass
We look forward to joining our children from each class when we Meet 4 Mass, 9am on Sundays. Of course, you are most welcome to join us for Mass any other time as well. Our school community joining our Parish community for Mass is a great way to connect with the families of other class members and a way of fulfilling one of the commitments to being Catholic - coming together to celebrate our faith. Our Term 1 Meet for Mass will be on Sunday 30th March, 9am at St Brigid’s.

TERM 1 DATES to Remember
- Ash Wednesday Mass - 5th March
- Confirmation Enrolment Weekend 29th/30th March
- Meet for Mass - 30th March
Kristy Isbester
Acting Religious Education Coordinator St Pius X
Sports News
Western Region Swimming
Last week, we had 42 students travel to Wellington for the Western Region swimming carnival hosted by St Marys, Wellington. All the students should be very proud of both the way they swam and behaved.
We have five students going onto the Diocesan level in Dubbo on the 11th March, these students are: Timmy Peek, Molly Rouse, Phoebe Heckendorf, Frankie Lavelle and Stella Lavelle.
Congratulations to Phoebe Heckendorf who was 11 Years girls’ champion.
A note will be sent home with these swimmers as soon as we have the Diocese carnival information.
I would like to thank all parents who travelled to Wellington and for their support on the day. Thanks to those parents who volunteered their time to help time keep on the day and for their support.
Diocesan Sports Trials
Congratulations to those students from Year Five and Six who were selected to trial for Diocesan sports teams. These trials take place in Bathurst on the 28th March, but the registrations with Catholic Schools NSW close on the 21st March. If your child is not registered by this date they cannot participate in the trials. An instruction sheet for registering was supplied with the permission note, if you have any issues with the registration please contact the school office.
Library News
Due to the Ash Wednesday Mass, Years 1 and 2 will not be having formal Library lessons this week, but children are welcome to swap their books at lunchtime on Wednesday or Thursday if they like. All other classes as the normal routine.
Our first Book Club was a great success, with lots of awesome books going home today. Over $100 was also raised for new books for our library.
Wishing you a great week,
Mr Schwager
School Librarian
Community News
2025 MOORAMBILLA Skills Development Workshop for PRIMARY & SECONDARY STUDENTS Years 3-12 |
Wednesday 5 March 2025 - 3.45pm-5.00pm
Macquarie Conservatorium cnr Darling and Bultje Sts Dubbo
FREE for students attending school years 3-12 who love to sing and dance
- All children attending must register in advance.
- Children MUST be in Year 3 or higher to attend.
- This registration form must be completed by the parent/carer of the child.
- Please provide the following details so you can be contacted if your child is offered a place in the Moorambilla Voices program.
- If you have more than one child attending, please complete a separate form for each child - go back to the link, click on it and start a new form.
Merit Awards
Year 1 - Maisie, Pippa, Serenity, Harry, April
Year 2 - Mia, Brian, Harrison, Dougie, Jesse
Year 3 - Charlotte, Gerry, Matilda, Georgia, Allegra
Year 4 - Lauren, Aurora, Meher, Matilda
Year 5 - Ellyse, Grace, Nyola, Mia, Nate
Year 6 - Jamie-Lea, Ralph, Mason, Holly, James
Happy Birthday !

Ralph 27th